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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Necrophagos Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:23 pm

you start calling your grandparents cheaters, cause they're over 70...

Posts : 38
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Age : 57
Location : Arnhem, The Netherlands

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Necrophagos Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:25 pm

you start a huge discussion at the travel agent's, cause you never before had to pay for a boat trip....

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Age : 57
Location : Arnhem, The Netherlands

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Necrophagos Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:31 pm

the first thing you do after almost drowning, is sit down, eat bread and drink water...

you only go out in groups of five...

you only run instead of walking...

you constantly bump into people, cause you think you can run right through them...

while waiting at the busstop you spontaneously burst into dancing...

after cleaning up your room, you wait in vain for a yellow questionmark to appear over your mum's head...

Posts : 38
Join date : 2008-10-20
Age : 57
Location : Arnhem, The Netherlands

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Lillus Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:31 am

lol! Brilliant and all so true

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Strinkle Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:21 am

Thought I'd Add These bounce

You are in the forest and see a bear and you try to make him your pet.

You yell “LFG” when being picked for sports teams.

You inspect people’s clothing to see if they are enchanted.

You don’t know someone’s name and you look above their head.

You go to a funeral and you try to loot the corpse.

You pass a cop and wonder if you just aggroed him.

You ask a store clerk how much you can sell your shoes for.

You buy a bag from the store and you check to see how many slots it has.

You visit airports just to get more flight paths.

You ask to be Master Looter when shopping at the mall.

You wonder if real wolves have belts and shoes on them.

You pick up a rock and try to use it as a hearthstone.

Talking cows and zombies don’t scare you.

You brag to your friends that your belt gives you +5 stamina.

You think life ends at age 70.

You ask the nearest police officer where the closet weapon vendor is.

You try to book a trip to Azeroth.

You walk into a bar and ask for Stratholm Holy Water.

You get mad when you’re not allowed to deposit your weapons in the bank.

You run around the streets wearing nothing but underwear, shouting “GOLD PLS!”

You buy a horse on your 40th birthday.

You buy an even better horse on your 60th birthday.

You buy a small plane on your 70th birthday.

You climb on top of your mailbox and dance.

You are still reading this.

You go to a car dealer and ask whether the cars will increase your speed by 60% or by 100%.

You ask whether mithril spurs are an option.

You try to find a Mini Diablo at the local pet store.

You walk to the next nearest city so you can fly there next time.

You stop wondering why your backpack can hold 16 pairs of boots, but can’t hold 17 rings.

You go to a park and pick flowers to improve your Herbalism skill.

You start mining stones.

You melt pennies and try to turn them into copper bars.

Someone asks you where something is and you yell at them to look it up on thottbot.

You ignore a level 60 demon, but remember when you ran screaming from a level 5 bear.

You ride the bus to work, telling everyone that you’re saving up for your epic mount.

On blah wintery days, you wish you could type “.wchange 0 0″ to make the sun come out.

You rip your pants and try to have them fixed at a blacksmith shop.

You install your own MaNGOS server just so you can play on Tuesday mornings.

You look for the NumLock button when driving in your car.

No matter what you’re doing on your computer, you first put three fingers on the A, W, and D keys.

You drink ten cans of RedBull to increase your run speed by 30%.

You ask everyone you meet, “Wanna join my guild?”

Someone asks you to pick up something for them and you say “Inventory is Full.”

You take the subway and wish it had an underground aquarium.

You start expecting rewards for doing work.

A beautiful girl asks you out on a date. You refuse because your guild is doing a Naxx raid.

You didn’t think the World of Warcraft South Park episode was all that funny.

You check your in-game mail to see how your auctions are doing before you check your email.

When you see “Wow” in advertisements, you wonder why they got the capitalization wrong.

Having read this, you now want to play.

Posts : 10
Join date : 2008-10-20

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Necrophagos Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:12 am

Awesome, Strinkle !!!!

Got some more too:

you book your holidays to the Colosseum in Rome just to get more Arena points.

when in town you ask at the tourist information where the nearest weapon trainer is.

at the shopping mall you're looking desperately for a heavy armor merchant.

instead of shaking hands you wave at everybody or salute them.

you think purple cars are better and faster than blue ones.

you actually think you will float in water when wearing plate armor.

when you insist on rolling before opening the fridge

when after finishing a task you run back to your boss and ask for the follow-up quest.

you don't go on holidays anymore, because the return trip without a hearth stone is too cumbersomely.

you fake death when your girlfriend tries to have a serious conversation.

at an accident you shove everyone aside exclaiming that your first aid is at 375.

you're annoyed that the supermarket doesn't accept gold.

you're surprised that the underground has more than two stops.

visiting your medical examiner, you attack his skeleton.

you only live on water and bread.

you organize a 25 man raid party on your boss and wait for him to drop [Holy Carkeys of Blessed Acceleration]

you start answering the phone with "Remember the Sunwell", "I am Forsaken", "Throll'Horn" or "Stay away from the Voodoo".

when you get completely smashed on booze and think you will be sober again in 2 minutes.

at your local bank you look for the guildvault.

you shout at a homeless beggar, that he should start grinding or farming, just like everybody else.

while driving you look on your navigator for yellow dots indicating ore or herbs.

you're checking e-bay for thorium bars.

changing diapers on your baby, you wonder when he will finally make an epic drop.

when at salary negotiations, you bring along 39 friends.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2008-10-20
Age : 57
Location : Arnhem, The Netherlands

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

Post  Heiligvraak Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:09 am

When you lose your friends in the supermarket, you wish you could find them on a minimap...


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Join date : 2008-10-20
Age : 60

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You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when.... Empty Re: You know you play too much World of Warcraft, when....

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