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Quest: A Cleansing Song (daily, Sholazar Basin)

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Quest: A Cleansing Song (daily, Sholazar Basin) Empty Quest: A Cleansing Song (daily, Sholazar Basin)

Post  Necrophagos Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:55 am

Hiya guys! While doing this quest, I noticed something weird...
It was very strange, but first I summoned and killed Ha-Khalan (the croc), nothing out of the ordinary. Then I killed Atha (the hydra), again nothing weird. But when I summoned and attacked Koosu (the ooze), I was immediately flagged PvP. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but if not, you might want to check if there are no players of the opposing faction around...You might end up having to fight both the ooze and some backstabbing enemy trying to get some easy PvP rep...

Posts : 38
Join date : 2008-10-20
Age : 57
Location : Arnhem, The Netherlands

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